Effortlessly discover the latest events, deals and places to go to in London.
All types of London life and culture can be found. Do what you want in your own personal way, making sure that you find what you want by map, calendar, list or by name. If you are looking for restaurants, bars, pubs, cafes, comedy, music or exhibitions then VIADOT is what you need.
We make life easy for you with new features that you can’t get anywhere else. Tell us the places that you love and you will get notified of their new events before anyone else.
You can personalise the app so you only see what you are interested in. This means that you can focus in on a small range of events, deals and places in a large and diverse city.
Make the most of the app’s unique scanner feature by taking a picture of a poster or advert and immediately get more information and the option to buy tickets there and then.
VIADOT is a one stop shop for all things happening in London. Find all that is happening around you or in another part of London in an instant, today or another day, with a couple of taps.